Colored Stones
Hue (color): The color of your stone is compared to a GIA master color comparison set to determine the
stones color or hue and noted in the report.
Saturation of Color: The saturation of color inherent throughout the stone is evaluated and noted.
Tone: The degree of lightness or darkness of the color of the stone is evaluated and noted.
Carat Weight: If your stone is mounted, the carat weight is estimated by using a standard formula for the
variety and cut type of your stone. If your stone un-mounted, it is directly weighed on a digital carat weight
scale. The weight is noted in the report.
Cutting Proportions: Depth%, Table%, Girdle thickness are evaluated and noted.
Cut Grade: The cutting class based on the stones cutting proportions is evaluated and noted in the report.
Clarity Type: The clarity type is noted for your variety of colored stone.
Clarity: A clarity grade is assigned that is appropriate for the clarity type for your stone and noted in the
Finish: Symmetry and Polish will be observed and given a grade of Poor to Excellent and noted in the report.
Enhancements: Any and all enhancements that are detectable by gemological testing will be noted in the
stones color or hue and noted in the report.
Saturation of Color: The saturation of color inherent throughout the stone is evaluated and noted.
Tone: The degree of lightness or darkness of the color of the stone is evaluated and noted.
Carat Weight: If your stone is mounted, the carat weight is estimated by using a standard formula for the
variety and cut type of your stone. If your stone un-mounted, it is directly weighed on a digital carat weight
scale. The weight is noted in the report.
Cutting Proportions: Depth%, Table%, Girdle thickness are evaluated and noted.
Cut Grade: The cutting class based on the stones cutting proportions is evaluated and noted in the report.
Clarity Type: The clarity type is noted for your variety of colored stone.
Clarity: A clarity grade is assigned that is appropriate for the clarity type for your stone and noted in the
Finish: Symmetry and Polish will be observed and given a grade of Poor to Excellent and noted in the report.
Enhancements: Any and all enhancements that are detectable by gemological testing will be noted in the